%Number of audio channels %Permitted value : strictly positive integer 8 %Microphone positions in cartesian coordinate (expressed in meters) %Permitted value : 3 x nChannels matrix 2.742 2.671 2.649 2.649 2.668 2.739 2.761 2.761 2.582 2.582 2.563 2.492 2.470 2.470 2.489 2.560 1.155 1.231 1.155 1.231 1.155 1.231 1.155 1.231 %Angular spectrum method %Permitted value : GCC-PHAT, GCC-NONLIN, MVDR, MVDRW, DS, DSW, DNM, MUSIC GCC-PHAT %Time integration method (pooling) %Permitted value : max or sum max %Instantaneous angular spectrum normalization %Permitted value : 0 or 1 (expert parameter, please refer to the complete documentation) 0 %Speed of sound (expressed in meters per second) %Permitted value : strictly positive value 343 %Azimuthal boundaries of the search grid (expressed in degrees) %Permitted value : 1 x 2 vector, first element = lower bound, second element = upper bound -179 180 %Elevation boundaries of the search grid (expressed in degrees) %Permitted value : 1 x 2 vector, first element = lower bound, second element = upper bound -90 90 %Search grid resolution both in azimuth and elevation (expressed in degrees) %Permitted value : strictly positive value 1 %Sampling resolution applied to each microphone pair referential (expressed in degrees) %Permitted value : strictly positive value (expert parameter, please refer to the complete documentation) 5 %Number of sources to localize %Permitted value : strictly positive integer 2 %Minimum angle distance between estimated directions %Permitted value : value greater than or equal to search grid resolution 10